Welcome to our blog! We are newlyweds, just married on 3.24.06. We live just outside of Dallas, TX and have 3 adorable chihuahuas-Darby, Zoe, and Isabella. We have a crazy life and our posts will be about everything in it. Hope you enjoy the postings here!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Well, it's official. Our baby planning has begun! We had our appt today with my new OBGYN and talked about all our options. I've started on some meds to make me ovulate, and I'm starting on pre-natals. It will be about 6 months before we can expect anything at all, and if we aren't pregnant within 6-9 months then we go to the specialist to start on some other options. (we'd rather not have to do that, but we will if we need to) So, ya'll keep us in your thoughts and prayers and think baby thoughts!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
The Injury
Well, today M had his baseball tournament. Apparently at one point during the second game, he slid into 2nd base and ripped the crap out of his leg! The knee and all down the shin. It looked like he'd run a grater over it...there was clay and grass and gravel and skin...oh, it was awful! And me, being the only girl, and having no boys, I freaked out. He stayed in the game, even with the injury bleeding like crazy...what a boy!...and then when he came home, we went to the Urgent Care place in Frisco. They had to numb it and scrub it clean with Betadine and then put ointment and gauze all over it and wrap it up. He had to get a tetanus shot too. Poor M!! I told him we can't have any well, he says, if you're gonna play, you're gonna get hurt. At least now he gets pampered for the rest of the weekend :)
Whew! What a party!
Wow, I am STILL recovering! What a party on Thursday night. We started at Ferre in the West Village and had a huge dinner party for our friend's birthday. The food was amazing and they had fabulous bellinis, wine, and martinis. And trust me, we sampled as many as we could! (not the best idea, but oh well :) )
Then we went to this great Russian bar, Nikita, with our Russian friend, Oleg. He took us down to the basement Very swank and cool. It was all leather and candlelight and loungey music...totally my kind of thing! We had more good Russian vodka then we knew what to do with! They have co-ed bathrooms there too...that was interesting.
Overall, it was a throw-back to college days...and M and I had a blast. He drove us and a few of our friends home, and I don't really remember the details, but at least he was our DD. We got to bed about 3am and the next morning was NO BUENO. Now I remember why I haven't done that since college!! Friday was pretty much shot until the evening, but Thursday night was fun! Thanks guys! Kristin, you put together a great bash!
Then we went to this great Russian bar, Nikita, with our Russian friend, Oleg. He took us down to the basement Very swank and cool. It was all leather and candlelight and loungey music...totally my kind of thing! We had more good Russian vodka then we knew what to do with! They have co-ed bathrooms there too...that was interesting.
Overall, it was a throw-back to college days...and M and I had a blast. He drove us and a few of our friends home, and I don't really remember the details, but at least he was our DD. We got to bed about 3am and the next morning was NO BUENO. Now I remember why I haven't done that since college!! Friday was pretty much shot until the evening, but Thursday night was fun! Thanks guys! Kristin, you put together a great bash!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Weekly News 7/17- 7/24/06
Mon 7/17, Tues 7/18 Working, getting ready for the week. I made lots of doctor appointments for this week, so it should be busy but productive. Many of the doctors now want you to fill out all your forms before hand and fax them to them. So I did a LOT of that!
Wed 7/19 Today was my new general practitioner appt and my new chiropractor appt. They both went well, and I got lots of blood work done. The chiro did x-rays and I got adjusted, which hurt, but will help! Tonight I think I just want to relax. M is picking up to-go and we are laying low.
Thurs 7/20 Today was my dentist appt. It went pretty well, but I have to get some major work done on some old fillings. That fun starts next week… (BOOO!)
Fri 7/21 Today I had my eye doctor appt and an appt with my nutritionist. M and I had lunch before my nutritionist appt. Then we went to the store to pick up stuff for our dinner party tomorrow night. After the store, we met up with our very good friends, Tonya and Ron. We had dinner at this great little pub and had a blast catching up. They’ve just returned from their mountain cabin in Colorado, so we had lots to talk about. It was so fun to see them!
Sat 7/22 This morning, the vet came over to our house to do the babies’ check-ups and give them their shots. She had to take a blood sample too, and that was no fun! I was a mess, but they did pretty good. Then, we ran some errands, and came back home to get ready for our dinner party! We had a great time with our guests and had quite a meal! We served a cheese platter, snacks, edamame, crudite, and bread with dipping oil before the meal with some great wine, and then we had our soup and salad course (a portabello bisque and a spinach and manchego salad) followed with mushroom chicken, wild mushroom couscous, garlic broccoli, and dill new potatoes. We finished it all with a Godiva white chocolate almond berry parfait for dessert! What a blast!
Sun 7/23 Today didn’t turn out exactly as planned, but that’s ok. Our babies got their shots yesterday morning and they are feeling AWFUL! So, I pretty much cuddled them, fed them chicken broth, and made them feel better all day. M worked in the yard, and we did manage to make dinner later, but mostly it was just Baby Time.
Mon 7/24 4 month anniversary, lots of working, catching up, and more baby time. We went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then went grocery shopping. We love our new grocery store and we always have fun there! I am glad a routine task can be fun too!
Wed 7/19 Today was my new general practitioner appt and my new chiropractor appt. They both went well, and I got lots of blood work done. The chiro did x-rays and I got adjusted, which hurt, but will help! Tonight I think I just want to relax. M is picking up to-go and we are laying low.
Thurs 7/20 Today was my dentist appt. It went pretty well, but I have to get some major work done on some old fillings. That fun starts next week… (BOOO!)
Fri 7/21 Today I had my eye doctor appt and an appt with my nutritionist. M and I had lunch before my nutritionist appt. Then we went to the store to pick up stuff for our dinner party tomorrow night. After the store, we met up with our very good friends, Tonya and Ron. We had dinner at this great little pub and had a blast catching up. They’ve just returned from their mountain cabin in Colorado, so we had lots to talk about. It was so fun to see them!
Sat 7/22 This morning, the vet came over to our house to do the babies’ check-ups and give them their shots. She had to take a blood sample too, and that was no fun! I was a mess, but they did pretty good. Then, we ran some errands, and came back home to get ready for our dinner party! We had a great time with our guests and had quite a meal! We served a cheese platter, snacks, edamame, crudite, and bread with dipping oil before the meal with some great wine, and then we had our soup and salad course (a portabello bisque and a spinach and manchego salad) followed with mushroom chicken, wild mushroom couscous, garlic broccoli, and dill new potatoes. We finished it all with a Godiva white chocolate almond berry parfait for dessert! What a blast!
Sun 7/23 Today didn’t turn out exactly as planned, but that’s ok. Our babies got their shots yesterday morning and they are feeling AWFUL! So, I pretty much cuddled them, fed them chicken broth, and made them feel better all day. M worked in the yard, and we did manage to make dinner later, but mostly it was just Baby Time.
Mon 7/24 4 month anniversary, lots of working, catching up, and more baby time. We went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then went grocery shopping. We love our new grocery store and we always have fun there! I am glad a routine task can be fun too!
Today is our 4 month wedding anniversary! YAY...GO US!
I love you sweetie. These 4 months have been amazing and I can't wait for the rest of our lives!
Thanks for being so wonderful and making my life so special.
I love you sweetie. These 4 months have been amazing and I can't wait for the rest of our lives!
Thanks for being so wonderful and making my life so special.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Weekend
Hola all! This weekend was pretty good. We did a lot of sleeping and laying around, but I think we're trying to catch back up. It seems like for the past couple of weeks, we haven't really slept before 2am, but we still get up by about 8am. Not fun. However, this weekend, we didn't go to bed until almost 5am, but we got up really late. I don't know what is up with our clocks. We need to reset them. SO here is what we did this weekend...
Friday, M brought home Chipotle for dinner and we ate and watched a couple movies on TV. It was a nice way to unwind. Then we went to bed really late, but we couldn't sleep. Then my blood sugar got really low. We were both starving, since we'd had dinner at like 6p, so at 4am, we went to IHOP. It was so much fun to do something totally teenager like that. My friends and I used to do that after clubbing when I was younger, but to go with my hubby was kinda fun. We thought we'd get to see the sunrise, but as soon as we got home we fell asleep! Apparently Frisco reverts to a wildlife area in the middle of the night. On the way to IHOP (only like 5 mins away), we saw 3 skunks, 2 racoons, 1 deer, 1 coyote, and 2 bunnies. It was an adventure to be sure :)
Saturday, after sleeping into the afternoon (!!!) we got up, picked up around the house, and then ran errands. I went clothes shopping, and M was so great about it! He helped me try on things and we had a blast. It was SO HOT today!! Running around wasn't that much fun in the heat, but we did manage to cool off and head to the mall. We hung out at Barnes & Noble and grabbed a quick bite at The Cheesecake Factory. (Summer Veggie Rolls...YUM!) We were going to go to a movie, but decided to come home and spend time with our babies. Then we wound up watching movies on HBO and stayed up again kidding...again.
Sunday, we slept late again, of course, and then we did stuff around here, worked in the yard, messed around with the computers, prepared for the week, and I made some delish Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. It was a very relaxing day and we got to bed ON TIME to get ready for the week!
It was a fun weekend, even with the crazy sleeping schedule. Ya'll have a great week!!
Friday, M brought home Chipotle for dinner and we ate and watched a couple movies on TV. It was a nice way to unwind. Then we went to bed really late, but we couldn't sleep. Then my blood sugar got really low. We were both starving, since we'd had dinner at like 6p, so at 4am, we went to IHOP. It was so much fun to do something totally teenager like that. My friends and I used to do that after clubbing when I was younger, but to go with my hubby was kinda fun. We thought we'd get to see the sunrise, but as soon as we got home we fell asleep! Apparently Frisco reverts to a wildlife area in the middle of the night. On the way to IHOP (only like 5 mins away), we saw 3 skunks, 2 racoons, 1 deer, 1 coyote, and 2 bunnies. It was an adventure to be sure :)
Saturday, after sleeping into the afternoon (!!!) we got up, picked up around the house, and then ran errands. I went clothes shopping, and M was so great about it! He helped me try on things and we had a blast. It was SO HOT today!! Running around wasn't that much fun in the heat, but we did manage to cool off and head to the mall. We hung out at Barnes & Noble and grabbed a quick bite at The Cheesecake Factory. (Summer Veggie Rolls...YUM!) We were going to go to a movie, but decided to come home and spend time with our babies. Then we wound up watching movies on HBO and stayed up again kidding...again.
Sunday, we slept late again, of course, and then we did stuff around here, worked in the yard, messed around with the computers, prepared for the week, and I made some delish Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. It was a very relaxing day and we got to bed ON TIME to get ready for the week!
It was a fun weekend, even with the crazy sleeping schedule. Ya'll have a great week!!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
5 things!
5 things in my fridge...
1. Lots of berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries
2. Yogurt (the plain kind, blech, but it makes awesome smoothies!)
3. Manchego and Ricotta Salata (to grate into salads-YUM!)
4. Ancho chile ketchup that we got from The Twisted Root Burger Co.
5. Vitamins, oils, etc.
5 things in my closet:
1. Shirts, lots and lots of them
2. Jeans, pants, skirts
3. M’s clothes
4. Purses, shoes, and jewelry
5. Underthings and laundry sorting bins
5 things in my purse:
1. My wallet
2. Makeup Bag
3. Two cell phones-a personal one and biz one
4. receipts
5. Ipod
5 things in my car:
1. a bag of Bath & Body Works stuff
2. Insurance card
3. napkins
4. CD’s
5. Hair clips for when I put the top down
5 people I tag:
I don’t want to tag and leave anyone out….
1. Lots of berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries
2. Yogurt (the plain kind, blech, but it makes awesome smoothies!)
3. Manchego and Ricotta Salata (to grate into salads-YUM!)
4. Ancho chile ketchup that we got from The Twisted Root Burger Co.
5. Vitamins, oils, etc.
5 things in my closet:
1. Shirts, lots and lots of them
2. Jeans, pants, skirts
3. M’s clothes
4. Purses, shoes, and jewelry
5. Underthings and laundry sorting bins
5 things in my purse:
1. My wallet
2. Makeup Bag
3. Two cell phones-a personal one and biz one
4. receipts
5. Ipod
5 things in my car:
1. a bag of Bath & Body Works stuff
2. Insurance card
3. napkins
4. CD’s
5. Hair clips for when I put the top down
5 people I tag:
I don’t want to tag and leave anyone out….
A Quiz
1. The book nearest me: Oprah’s Life Your Best Life
2. Stretch out your left arm, what do you touch: Since I am at my desk and not M’s, I can almost touch the new chair in here-love it!
3: Last thing you watched on TV: Stepford Wives-it was on HBO this morning and we were being lazy
4. Without looking what time is it? 7:00p
5.What is the actual time? 7:45p
6. With the exception of the computer what can you hear? M yelling at his computer, LOL, and the Chill Out XM Station in the living room, and Darby barking outside
7. When did you last step outside? To take the dogs out about 4p
8. Before this survey what did you look at?
9. What are you wearing? – just out of the shower, so PJ pants and a grey Tshirt.
10. Did you dream last night? – Yup, very vivid, crazy dreams
11. When did you last laugh? – when M came in and Darby was sitting on me wagging his tail like crazy
12. What is on the walls in the room? The new paint and shelves, a beautiful sepia tone photo of trees, and the curtain rod/curtains.
13. Seen anything weird lately? Farenheit 9/11. We watched it last night. It qualifies as weird
14. What is the last film you saw? – We saw Click last weekend. We watched movies here this week…
15. Tell me something we don't know – I bought some cool wall art for our Master Bath yesterday…very fun, colorful stuff!
16. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do? – Make people more compassionate, loving, and understanding…we definitely need some peace!
18. Do you like to dance? - Yes, but I am not that good! I usually do the “booty-shakin” dancing if I am going to, but we did a gorgeous waltz at our wedding…
19. George Bush? – No comment. I support our troops and their efforts and loss of life is too important for me to be involved in saying anything negative.
20. Imagine your first child is a girl – Wonderful, her name would probably be Katherine Chloe.
21. Imagine your first child is a boy – Just as wonderful, his name would be Kiernan Bryce or Caden Lane
22. Would you consider living abroad? – Maybe Canada. I’d probably move to another state first though.
23. What would God say to you when you reach the pearly gates? – We’ll have to find out. Let’s hope it’s “Come on in” and not “Turn around, see ya later”
24. 6 people who will do this quiz - Anyone who wants to, I don’t want to tag and leave someone out…
2. Stretch out your left arm, what do you touch: Since I am at my desk and not M’s, I can almost touch the new chair in here-love it!
3: Last thing you watched on TV: Stepford Wives-it was on HBO this morning and we were being lazy
4. Without looking what time is it? 7:00p
5.What is the actual time? 7:45p
6. With the exception of the computer what can you hear? M yelling at his computer, LOL, and the Chill Out XM Station in the living room, and Darby barking outside
7. When did you last step outside? To take the dogs out about 4p
8. Before this survey what did you look at?
9. What are you wearing? – just out of the shower, so PJ pants and a grey Tshirt.
10. Did you dream last night? – Yup, very vivid, crazy dreams
11. When did you last laugh? – when M came in and Darby was sitting on me wagging his tail like crazy
12. What is on the walls in the room? The new paint and shelves, a beautiful sepia tone photo of trees, and the curtain rod/curtains.
13. Seen anything weird lately? Farenheit 9/11. We watched it last night. It qualifies as weird
14. What is the last film you saw? – We saw Click last weekend. We watched movies here this week…
15. Tell me something we don't know – I bought some cool wall art for our Master Bath yesterday…very fun, colorful stuff!
16. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do? – Make people more compassionate, loving, and understanding…we definitely need some peace!
18. Do you like to dance? - Yes, but I am not that good! I usually do the “booty-shakin” dancing if I am going to, but we did a gorgeous waltz at our wedding…
19. George Bush? – No comment. I support our troops and their efforts and loss of life is too important for me to be involved in saying anything negative.
20. Imagine your first child is a girl – Wonderful, her name would probably be Katherine Chloe.
21. Imagine your first child is a boy – Just as wonderful, his name would be Kiernan Bryce or Caden Lane
22. Would you consider living abroad? – Maybe Canada. I’d probably move to another state first though.
23. What would God say to you when you reach the pearly gates? – We’ll have to find out. Let’s hope it’s “Come on in” and not “Turn around, see ya later”
24. 6 people who will do this quiz - Anyone who wants to, I don’t want to tag and leave someone out…
Friday, July 14, 2006
Weekly News 7/7-7/14/06
Fri 7/7- Today my cousins were still in town with their girlfriends from California, so they came over to the house and then we spent all afternoon touring Dallas and hanging out. We went around Frisco, then down the Tollway to the Galleria, then down to the West End, around the Arts District and Deep Ellum and then over to Mockingbird Station. We hung out at Margarita Ranch for about 2 hours and had fabulous margaritas and snacked on chips y salsa. Then we went shopping at some of the stores, Urban Outfitters, etc. M met us up there after work and then we all headed to Culpeppers, a gorgeous lakeside restaurant on Lake Ray Hubbard in Rockwall. My uncle was performing that night, so we sat in the lounge and had drinks and listened to him sing. It was great until I accidentally ate something with bacon in it (it wasn’t on the menu!!) and I got sick and we had to come home. However, it was already after 1am at that point, so we had a full night! SO much fun!
Sat 7/8- Today we were determined to get our “chores” out of the way so we could have some fun. We cleaned up the house, and ran our errands, (Target, DSW, Sam Moon, Wal-Mart, and Sam’s) Then we came home, unloaded our stuff, and freshened up for a fun night out! We started with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (Veggie Rice Wrappers-yum!), and the we went and saw the movie, Click. It was funny and cute. Then we came home and took a nice bubble bath! FUN!
Sun 7/9- We slept late today, and then ran to Lowe’s and our most favorite grocery store, (Market Street) That is always an adventure in and of itself. Then we came home and I made dinner (Baked Chicken and Veggies-yum!) We relaxed a bit and then got ready for the week!
Mon 7/10- Back to work. Today wasn’t all that exciting- Worked, returned phone calls, made appts, cleaned up the house, cooked dinner, (Chicken and Black Bean Burritos-yum!) But it was a good day, nonetheless! I watched Must Love Dogs and thought it was so cute. Love Diane Lane!
Tues 7/11- Julie is back in town, so I got to visit with her and Madeline! She is getting so big. She was 8 mos today! She is really something else…I just love her. Not seeing her for 5 weeks was really something…cause she’s grown SO much. How adorable! After going over graphic design stuff, and working on the website a bit, I cooked dinner (Beef burgundy with egg noodles-yum!) My parents went to Wisconsin today for the remaining services for my grandfather.
Wed 7/12- Just some cleaning and working today. I did get to visit with my neighbor Penni and her kiddos which was fun. The house was “magically cleaned” today and then I made dinner (Tacos-yum!) M and I had a great night! We went bowling at Strikz in Frisco. It was SO much fun! M totally kicked my @$$, but it was such a throw-back to back-in-the-day with the cool Cosmic bowling. I mean, we are talking black lights here people! FUN. Today I also watched A Lot Like Love and I thought it was a sweet movie. Just a light, relaxing, comedy…the best kind!
Thurs 7/13- Today I updated my website, read my favorite website, The Superficial, and laughed my @$$ off! I was busy making appts for weekend, and tonight was Matt’s baseball game, after dinner (Hamburger casserole-yum!) Watched The Notebook, one of my all-time favorite love stories!
Fri 7/14- Worked around the house, did the final website stuff (for this week at least). M came home for lunch, which was a super fun treat. (Gotta love seein the hubby at noon!) Then I did some more work, watched my Oprah, and then updated this blog! So glad it’s the weekend, TGIF, Have a great weekend everybody!!
Sat 7/8- Today we were determined to get our “chores” out of the way so we could have some fun. We cleaned up the house, and ran our errands, (Target, DSW, Sam Moon, Wal-Mart, and Sam’s) Then we came home, unloaded our stuff, and freshened up for a fun night out! We started with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (Veggie Rice Wrappers-yum!), and the we went and saw the movie, Click. It was funny and cute. Then we came home and took a nice bubble bath! FUN!
Sun 7/9- We slept late today, and then ran to Lowe’s and our most favorite grocery store, (Market Street) That is always an adventure in and of itself. Then we came home and I made dinner (Baked Chicken and Veggies-yum!) We relaxed a bit and then got ready for the week!
Mon 7/10- Back to work. Today wasn’t all that exciting- Worked, returned phone calls, made appts, cleaned up the house, cooked dinner, (Chicken and Black Bean Burritos-yum!) But it was a good day, nonetheless! I watched Must Love Dogs and thought it was so cute. Love Diane Lane!
Tues 7/11- Julie is back in town, so I got to visit with her and Madeline! She is getting so big. She was 8 mos today! She is really something else…I just love her. Not seeing her for 5 weeks was really something…cause she’s grown SO much. How adorable! After going over graphic design stuff, and working on the website a bit, I cooked dinner (Beef burgundy with egg noodles-yum!) My parents went to Wisconsin today for the remaining services for my grandfather.
Wed 7/12- Just some cleaning and working today. I did get to visit with my neighbor Penni and her kiddos which was fun. The house was “magically cleaned” today and then I made dinner (Tacos-yum!) M and I had a great night! We went bowling at Strikz in Frisco. It was SO much fun! M totally kicked my @$$, but it was such a throw-back to back-in-the-day with the cool Cosmic bowling. I mean, we are talking black lights here people! FUN. Today I also watched A Lot Like Love and I thought it was a sweet movie. Just a light, relaxing, comedy…the best kind!
Thurs 7/13- Today I updated my website, read my favorite website, The Superficial, and laughed my @$$ off! I was busy making appts for weekend, and tonight was Matt’s baseball game, after dinner (Hamburger casserole-yum!) Watched The Notebook, one of my all-time favorite love stories!
Fri 7/14- Worked around the house, did the final website stuff (for this week at least). M came home for lunch, which was a super fun treat. (Gotta love seein the hubby at noon!) Then I did some more work, watched my Oprah, and then updated this blog! So glad it’s the weekend, TGIF, Have a great weekend everybody!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Weekly (sort of!) News 6/14/06-7/6/06
Well, it’s been a while since this has all been updated. The past 3 weeks have been tough due to my grandfather’s illness, surgeries, hospitalizations, and his passing. Services were held yesterday and were very nice. There will be additional services next week in Wisconsin, but we will not be attending those. We had a lot of family in town and we are glad that we got a chance to visit with everyone. Tuesday night we had a large gathering at my parents and we did a cook out and shared stories and remembrances. It was very very nice. So here goes, from what I can remember :)
Wed 6/14 We had our wine tasting class tonight in Grapevine! SO much fun. My parents went with us all and it was a blast. Then we got some dinner at a new eatery on the downtown square and had some more wine! Gnarly Head- one of my favs. It’s an Old Vine Zin from, where else?, the Lodi region.
Thurs and Fri 6/15 and 6/16 Office work, visiting family in Denton, Spending time at the hospital
Sat 6/17 I decided to move my birthday celebration dinner from La Duni to my parents, due to the family hospital situation, but it turned out that it was MUCH more fun and enjoyable this way! We had a fabulous dinner starting with shrimp scampi, salmon en croute, a cheese and fruit board, and wonderful wine, followed by tenderloin, roasted dill potatoes, a big spinach salad, and more wine! My mom had a delicious almond cake (just like our wedding cake!) prepared and we really enjoyed that. Then I opened presents and we spent time dancing, talking, and drinking. So much fun! Thanks to all that came and participated! We honored our fathers tonight too and that was so special.
Sun 6/18 Happy Father’s Day! Took it easy and recuperated from the party :) Visited Denton today. Got to open my present from M :) A beautiful antique diamond necklace. GORGEOUS. Thanks honey :) He got a sweet FD card from the puppies :)
Mon 6/19 My birthday!!! 25! M stayed home today and we spent the whole day together! It was fantastic. He took me out to Texas de Brazil and we had a blast. It was a wonderful birthday. Thanks so much sweetheart!
Tues 6/20 My birthday week continues…lol. In my mind at least…lol. I keep teasing M that it’s birthDAY, birthWEEK, and birthMONTH. Pretty soon, it will be birthYEAR :) We went to Denton today too.
Wed 6/21, Thurs 6/22, Fri 6/23- worked, visited Denton, spent time with family, spent time at home, etc. I started taking Ambien CR to sleep and that was a big mistake. It wipes me out for about 48 hours afterwards, so it’s been a rough couple of days. With the stress of Big Jim’s illness and everyone’s stress level, things are a bit tough…but it will be ok.
Sat 6/24- A very nice day with M. It is our 3 month wedding anniversary! We spent some great time together, had a fun time at Market Street and made a nice dinner and cuddled up with a movie.
Sun 6/25 Back to Denton, seems like this is our main journey right now. It’s a nice drive with a lot of trees…which makes me very happy. I am so tired of not having big trees around! It is surprising how much it soothes your soul to be around nature. Made a pot roast today and we had a nice Sunday dinner.
Mon 6/26 Worked today. Happy Anniversary to Lindsay and Gavin!
Tues6/27 Jim had his big surgery today. He made it through, but it will be tough.
Wed 6/28, Thurs 6/29 Long days. We had more car trouble and that didn’t help anything. If only we knew what was to come.
Fri 6/30- Big Jim passed away this morning, we went to Denton for all day.
Sat 7/1, Sun 7/2 Spent time with family in Denton.
Monday 7/3 More people came into town, which was very very nice. Everyone has been so gracious to bring food and send cards. Thank you to everyone who supported us during this very trying time!
Tues 7/4 Happy 4th. This is a hard day, but also a happy occasion. It is my cousin’s bday and we had a cookout at my parents. However, we are all still in mourning and it’s tough for the family to gather without Jim.
Wed 7/5 Services were today. Our car almost didn’t start this morning. M is fed up! After services, and spending time with family, we went to get a new battery for the car. We spent 3 HOURS at WAL MART. That is hell.
Thurs 7/6 We bought a new car! It’s really very nice and I am excited. We pick it up this evening before M’s softball game. It’s a 06 Envoy Denali with all kinds of perks (and nav, which I really wanted!) It’s silver with black leather int. Very nice!
Wed 6/14 We had our wine tasting class tonight in Grapevine! SO much fun. My parents went with us all and it was a blast. Then we got some dinner at a new eatery on the downtown square and had some more wine! Gnarly Head- one of my favs. It’s an Old Vine Zin from, where else?, the Lodi region.
Thurs and Fri 6/15 and 6/16 Office work, visiting family in Denton, Spending time at the hospital
Sat 6/17 I decided to move my birthday celebration dinner from La Duni to my parents, due to the family hospital situation, but it turned out that it was MUCH more fun and enjoyable this way! We had a fabulous dinner starting with shrimp scampi, salmon en croute, a cheese and fruit board, and wonderful wine, followed by tenderloin, roasted dill potatoes, a big spinach salad, and more wine! My mom had a delicious almond cake (just like our wedding cake!) prepared and we really enjoyed that. Then I opened presents and we spent time dancing, talking, and drinking. So much fun! Thanks to all that came and participated! We honored our fathers tonight too and that was so special.
Sun 6/18 Happy Father’s Day! Took it easy and recuperated from the party :) Visited Denton today. Got to open my present from M :) A beautiful antique diamond necklace. GORGEOUS. Thanks honey :) He got a sweet FD card from the puppies :)
Mon 6/19 My birthday!!! 25! M stayed home today and we spent the whole day together! It was fantastic. He took me out to Texas de Brazil and we had a blast. It was a wonderful birthday. Thanks so much sweetheart!
Tues 6/20 My birthday week continues…lol. In my mind at least…lol. I keep teasing M that it’s birthDAY, birthWEEK, and birthMONTH. Pretty soon, it will be birthYEAR :) We went to Denton today too.
Wed 6/21, Thurs 6/22, Fri 6/23- worked, visited Denton, spent time with family, spent time at home, etc. I started taking Ambien CR to sleep and that was a big mistake. It wipes me out for about 48 hours afterwards, so it’s been a rough couple of days. With the stress of Big Jim’s illness and everyone’s stress level, things are a bit tough…but it will be ok.
Sat 6/24- A very nice day with M. It is our 3 month wedding anniversary! We spent some great time together, had a fun time at Market Street and made a nice dinner and cuddled up with a movie.
Sun 6/25 Back to Denton, seems like this is our main journey right now. It’s a nice drive with a lot of trees…which makes me very happy. I am so tired of not having big trees around! It is surprising how much it soothes your soul to be around nature. Made a pot roast today and we had a nice Sunday dinner.
Mon 6/26 Worked today. Happy Anniversary to Lindsay and Gavin!
Tues6/27 Jim had his big surgery today. He made it through, but it will be tough.
Wed 6/28, Thurs 6/29 Long days. We had more car trouble and that didn’t help anything. If only we knew what was to come.
Fri 6/30- Big Jim passed away this morning, we went to Denton for all day.
Sat 7/1, Sun 7/2 Spent time with family in Denton.
Monday 7/3 More people came into town, which was very very nice. Everyone has been so gracious to bring food and send cards. Thank you to everyone who supported us during this very trying time!
Tues 7/4 Happy 4th. This is a hard day, but also a happy occasion. It is my cousin’s bday and we had a cookout at my parents. However, we are all still in mourning and it’s tough for the family to gather without Jim.
Wed 7/5 Services were today. Our car almost didn’t start this morning. M is fed up! After services, and spending time with family, we went to get a new battery for the car. We spent 3 HOURS at WAL MART. That is hell.
Thurs 7/6 We bought a new car! It’s really very nice and I am excited. We pick it up this evening before M’s softball game. It’s a 06 Envoy Denali with all kinds of perks (and nav, which I really wanted!) It’s silver with black leather int. Very nice!