Our Wedding

Welcome to our blog! We are newlyweds, just married on 3.24.06. We live just outside of Dallas, TX and have 3 adorable chihuahuas-Darby, Zoe, and Isabella. We have a crazy life and our posts will be about everything in it. Hope you enjoy the postings here!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


M is feeling a bit was his first day back at work. He is wearing a knee sleeve and walking boot from the orthopedic surgeon. It was tough to walk as much as he needed to, but he did okay...he is limping along!

Today was supposed to be a very busy day for me, but last night, even though we went to bed at 10pm (earlier than almost EVER!) I laid awake until 5am!!! I hate that! So I finally fell asleep around 5:30 and got up around 10am. I took a nap this afternoon and pretty much took it easy.

GOOD NEWS!! Tomorrow I start my coursework for my real estate license! YAY! I am not sure how long it will take, but I hope to have my coursework completed by the end of the year.

We are getting excited for our trip to Philly next week! We are attending a friend's wedding and M's family is throwing us a 6 month wedding reception. 6 months already!!

We got our wedding video tonight...a rough draft at least. It's so good to watch it, we had a good laugh and some tears too! I can't wait to see the final version!

That's all for now, hope everyone is well! Love you guys!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Thanks so much to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers for us during these extremely trying few months! We really appreciate it, and hopefully will have brighter days ahead.

My parents keep saying this will build character- but I think we have enough of that for now...I am full-up on character, thanks.

Anyway, you are all so wonderful and sweet. We love you guys!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Wheelchair Cometh...

Well, the crutches are out, and a wheelchair was delivered today. The swelling is worse today and so is the pain. The wheelchair does help a lot though, M can get around a lot better...we tried using a desk chair, not quite the same!

We took our first "walk and roll" was tough, those things are heavy! But there was a beautiful moon out and M wanted to get some fresh air. The sprinklers in the neighborhood made it a little hard! Overall it was good though.

Poor M! Maybe just a week or two of this, although we have it for a month!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Honoring 9/11 Victims with the 2996 Project

Patrick O'Keefe, age 44, was killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. He was from Oakdale, NY. He was a very brave firefighter and was very loved by and committed to his family. This is all that I know about this gentleman, but I think that just speaking his name is important. We will never forget.

About the 2,996 Project:
The idea is simple, but powerful: have a special tribute for each victim of 9/11, with each tribute being created by a different blogger. We started 2,996 Project to coordinate the creation of the tributes, and that's what this site is all about. Here you can sign up to make a tribute yourself, on your blog (we'll randomly assign a victim to you). You can also browse or search through either the victims that have already been assigned, or those that have not -- and you can get pointers to more information on all of them.


Another STUPID Softball Injury...

My poor husband! I hate softball! He's hurt again- this time twisted his knee (he heard it pop!) and his ankle. Both are terribly swollen and he is on crutches with a knee immobilizer until possible seeing the orthopaedic surgeon next week. GRR!

My sweet friend and neighbor Lindsay came over to let our pups in while we were at the ER...THANKS LINZ!!

Everyone pray for my hubby (and that he won't play anymore!!)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Home Improvements, etc

Well, we finally did it. We got our new toilet, a new washer and dryer, and a fridge/freezer for the garage. So, we will have a very nice, 1 1/2 yr old washer and dryer for sale (pair for $550 obo) after tomorrow. The toilet, well I am not so sure what they do with that! Thanks to everyone at Lowe's for all their help, we thought we were lost in a sea of toilets before this guy helped us. It's such a stupid thing to pick out...LOL. Who knows what you need in it...I just want to use it and have everything leave the premises when I flush it...LOL.

On the health front, I still feel icky, but I've resigned myself that it's going to be like that for awhile and I am SO TIRED of being in the house and sulking around. So, it's out into the world and just trying to stay alive...LOL!

We hope to get our atrocious flower beds dealt with soon...the weeds are out of control. I think we are going to rip everything out, except the few bushes that have survived, lay down weed cloth and put rocks and mulch. You don't have to water rocks and mulch! Sounds good to me :)

Hope everyone is well and that all the kiddos are growing and happy and healthy. Love you all!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Updates again

Well, let's see. What's been going on...oh, that's right- a shitstorm! LOL. Well, so I am still having my issues. The bleeding is a little better, but not completely gone, but the cramps and pains are worse. My fibromyalgia is in high gear right now, making every thing hard. I am supposed to see a specialist, but we won't get into that catastrophe right now.

I am having reactions to all those hormones, I knew I would. The newest, and most annoying thing, is restless legs syndrome. I can't sleep! My legs drive ME CRAZY!!! Even if I do manage to fall asleep after laying in bed 2 hours or more, then I wake up very soon!! Sucks! And sucks for M too!!

We tried to go out again the other night and it was a disaster. I won't go into all sorts of details, but I was crying hysterically at the restaurant, and M had to come into the woman's bathroom to escort me to the car, and then I got sick on the way home. So, next comes the steam-cleaning bill right beside the medical bills. Barf. Well, literally, huh? LOL.

Oh, and we set our microwave on fire. House still reeks! You may ask how two adults could set a microwave on fire. It's actually rather simple. You insert 2 neck wraps (used for my cramps) THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO GO INTO THE MICROWAVE and you turn it on. Then, for some unknown reason the damn thing will malfunction and the neck wraps will be set ablaze. With black smoke and all. Then you get tongs, put them in the sink to put them out, and then load them on a cookie sheet and take them to your front porch, where they stay for a week. (Seriously Lindz, they are still out there, you can be my witness)

So overall, we're having a FABULOUS time at the L-V Household. LOL. But, hell, at least we have our health, er, I mean our wealth, er, well hmm, at least we have each other!