Our Wedding

Welcome to our blog! We are newlyweds, just married on 3.24.06. We live just outside of Dallas, TX and have 3 adorable chihuahuas-Darby, Zoe, and Isabella. We have a crazy life and our posts will be about everything in it. Hope you enjoy the postings here!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Scary Blood Sugar Incident!

On Friday, I went to the store and a bad, bad thing happened. My blood sugar dropped so low that I almost fainted in the store and went into a coma. I couldn’t remember where I was, what I was doing, etc. I had been at the store for about 2 hours, wandering around aimlessly. Everything I know about this afternoon, I have been told by my mom and M. Apparently I was calling them on my phone and rambling. The manager of the store came over and had me sit down while he got me a huge bottle of juice. My bs must have been in the 40’s, close to coma state. After the juice I got up and walked around and almost fainted again. M told me to leave the store right away. I argued with him, over the phone, saying that I couldn’t just leave my cart, I'd worked so hard to get all the stuff for the weekend, etc, but he insisted (he says).

So I walked out and DROVE (mistake). He wanted me to get some food pronto, so I just went through Wendy’s and he told me what to order. He said I sat in the drive through line for about 5 minutes before I could actually speak the order he was yelling at me to say. Not good. So then, he had me sit in the parking lot and wait for him to get there. Apparently I called my mom too and she was about to send the paramedics. Somehow I told her that M was coming and she said to have him call her when he got there.

It was all a huge blur. I had a huge Dr. Pepper and it still took me an hour to snap out of it. When we got home, my blood sugar was only 112. After a juice and a soda AND food!! It should have been a lot higher. So, we can only estimate that it was near 30-40 and that I could have been in a coma at any point. I didn’t eat much that day and I think my bs started out low because of the cheesecake the night before. Since I produce too much insulin, my bs never gets very high. The highest I have seen it is 128 after dessert and a soda and way too many carbs. Then it quickly drops after that. Anyway, a big huge thanks to my wonderful hubby and my mama!


Blogger Lindsay said...

BE careful girl.. you may need to take some peppermints in your purse just in case!

6:26 AM  

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