Our Wedding

Welcome to our blog! We are newlyweds, just married on 3.24.06. We live just outside of Dallas, TX and have 3 adorable chihuahuas-Darby, Zoe, and Isabella. We have a crazy life and our posts will be about everything in it. Hope you enjoy the postings here!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I don't have anything super special to write about today. I published my weekly news, so that about covers the activities as of late.

My friend Clarissa postponed lunch tomorrow until next week, since she is moving, but I'll get to have lunch with Tonya instead. Ah, the social pressures of ladies who

M keeps giving me a hard time about being a "lady of leisure". He is kidding of course. I think I work more now then when I went to an office everyday, but I sure love it a lot more. Hanging out in comfy clothes, picking up the house in between phone calls, making snacks, working out, watching Oprah, running to a nail appt, etc just really helps lighten the stress load.

Oh, and I hate spiders. What is up with all these damn spiders all around the house. They look scary and they run fast. I do not like them. One attacked me in the bath. (well, maybe not attacked, but he was in the tub...) One also tried to dive bomb me today as I came back in from getting the mail and watering our new flowers(!) I was not impressed with his tactics. They are so huge...I am waiting for one to eat our little doggies. Time to call the pest people back out here....

Other than all that fun, it's biz as usual at the L-V Household. I am making some herbed chicken with roasted garlic potatoes and seasoned green beans tonight! Ya'll come on over...


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